What Are the Different Units of the Santa Rosa Police Department?

At the helm of the Santa Rosa Police Department is Police Chief John Cregan, guiding the department toward maintaining peace and security in the city. The department encompasses several key units, each having its distinct role:

  • Community Engagement Team: Collaborates with local organizations to conduct community events, fostering trust and rapport between the police and the citizens.
  • C-CAT (Chief John Cregan’s Community Ambassador Team): The ambassadors from the community work closely with the police to strengthen community ties and facilitate communication.
  • CivicReady Mass Notification System: This team is responsible for communicating important safety and emergency information to residents.
  • Youth Rehabilitation Team: This section focuses on providing rehabilitation counseling and education to youth who have committed petty crimes.

What is the History of the Santa Rosa Police Department?

The Santa Rosa Police Department has been a beacon of safety for the Santa Rosa community for numerous years. Its history is rich with stories of dedicated officers striving to protect and serve their city. Over the years, it has not only grown in size but also evolved in the way it operates, constantly adapting to the city’s changing needs.

In 2023, it undertook a significant initiative by planning a new substation in Roseland. This move reflected the department’s dedication to improving services in the historically underserved, primarily Latino community. It marked an important milestone in the department’s journey to serve all residents equally.

How Does the Santa Rosa Police Department Serve the Community?

The Santa Rosa Police Department not only safeguards the city’s residents but also actively engages with the community. Their Community Engagement Team often collaborates with local nonprofits to run programs that cater to community needs. For example, they partnered with Operation Christmas Tree to bring holiday cheer to Santa Rosa.

The department utilizes the CivicReady mass notification system to keep the community well-informed about essential information. Whether it is a weather update or an emergency alert, they ensure that the residents are not left in the dark.

Their commitment to serving the area further extends to handling youth crime innovatively. Instead of resorting to punitive sentencing, they offer rehabilitative counseling and education, understanding that the youth are the city’s future.

A noteworthy development is their planned substation in Roseland. This not only reduces response times in southwest Santa Rosa but also provides a visible police presence for the residents. The step epitomizes the department’s dedication to improving services for every resident of the city, irrespective of their location or background.

In their relentless pursuit of safety and order, the Santa Rosa Police Department continues to uphold its motto of protecting and serving its community with compassion and dedication.

Address: 965 Sonoma Ave, Santa Rosa, CA 95404


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