Avondale Accident Reports

How AccidentReports.com Can Help

Our site features a comprehensive crash report support center that allows you to search for your traffic police report and get your copy as soon as possible. To start your search now, fill out the form on this page and submit your accident information for assistance.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Can I Get a Copy of My Collision Report from the Avondale Police Department?

You can get a copy of your crash report from AccidentReports.com, or you can obtain your copy through the Avondale Police Department.The Avondale PD offers two ways to get a copy of your Avondale accident report.


You can request a copy in-person at:Avondale Police Department Records Bureau11485 West Civic Center DriveAvondale, AZ85323You will need to fill out a Public Record Request Form that includes information concerning the accident, such as:

  • Date, time, location of the accident
  • Names of parties involved
  • License plate number
  • Report ID number (if available)

By Mail

Fill out the Public Record Request Form and mail it to:Avondale Police Department Records Bureau11485 West Civic Center DriveAvondale, AZ85323When mailing in a request for your report, make sure that you include an Avondale Police Department return address clearly listed on the request form and envelope.For more information, contact the Avondale Police non-emergency line at:(623) 333-7001

Why Do I Need a Copy of My Crash Report?

Have you filed an insurance claim? If so, the insurance company will want you to submit a copy of the accident report. This report contains information that could potentially help your claim.Information in the accident report may include:

  • Any conditions that contributed to the accident
  • Description of any damage or injuries that occurred due to the accident
  • Information concerning why, when, and where the accident occurred
  • Date, time, and location of the accident
  • Personal information for each party involved, such as full names, phone numbers, driver’s license information
  • The responding police officer’s assessment of the crash

How Much Does a Crash Report from the Avondale Police Department Cost?

Reports will cost $5.00. Requests must be pre-paid by money order, credit card, or cash at the time of the request. There is an optional $20 rush fee that will speed up the processing time to three business days.

How Long Does it Take to Get a Copy of My Police Report?

Typically, Avondale crash reports take three to seven business days to process.

What Other Records are Available from the Avondale PD?

You can fill out a Public Records Request Form for an Avondale police records search to obtain copies of:

  • Arrest records that contain charges of theft
  • A crime incident, such as thefts from motor vehicles, a fatal shooting, or assault investigation
  • Community crime map
  • Community policing model
  • Police investigation reports

The Avondale Criminal Courts maintain arrest records and warrant information, as well as Avondale mugshots and police reports.

How Can I Get My Accident Report Faster?

If you were involved in an accident in Arizona, take advantage of our extensive crash report information center and search for your report now. At AccidentReports.com, we know how stressful life can be after an accident, which is why we’ve made it our mission to make it easy for auto accident victims to instantly obtain their collision reports so they can file their insurance claim or lawsuit as soon as possible.

Fill Out the Form on this Page to Find a Copy of Your Auto Report, Instantly