A Safe, Secure Way to Obtain an Accident Report Online
Some law enforcement agencies in Maricopa County require in-person police report pickups only, while others may allow you to mail in your request. If you were seriously injured in a motor vehicle accident, then you may not be able to travel to pick up your request in person. You may be out of work at this time due to your injuries, struggling to make ends meet as your medical bills continue to pile up. This means you also don’t have time to wait for several days or weeks for your report to arrive in the mail. AccidentReports.com makes it easy for accident victims to obtain their collision reports online, as soon as reports are available.
Frequently Asked Questions
How Can I Obtain an Accident Report in Chandler, AZ?
You can get a copy of your report from AccidentReports.com and start your search now, or you can get your copy from the Chandler Police Department. The Chandler Police Department offers two ways to obtain a copy of a crash report.
In Person
You can request a copy of your Chandler accident report in person by visiting the station and filling out the Request for Police Record Form. The Chandler Police Department is located at: 250 E Chicago St, Chandler, AZ 85225
Request Copies of Police Reports By Mail
You can download the Request for Police Record Form online, print it out, and mail it to the Chandler Police Department at: 250 E Chicago St, Chandler, AZ 85225
How Much Does a Crash Report from the Phoenix Chandler Police Department Cost?
The cost of Chandler and El Mirage police reports is $5.00, for the first thirty-five pages.
Who Can Pick Up an Accident Report from the Police Department?
Any party involved in the accident, such as the driver or passengers, insurance companies, and attorneys can request a copy of the collision report.
Why Can't I Locate My Accident Report?
It’s possible that the law enforcement officer who filled out your report has not filed it yet. You may also have some of the information wrong, such as the date or location of the accident. If you’re from out of town, it’s also possible that you are not checking with the right police department.Surrounding police departments include:
- Coolidge Police Department
- Gila River Police Department
- Gilbert Police Department
- Pershing County Sheriff’s Office
- Muscogee County Sheriff’s Office
- Fresno County Sheriff’s Office
- Elbert County Sheriff’s Office
- Clayton County Police Department
- Pinal County Sheriff’s Office
If you are unable to find your accident report, check with these police agencies for more information on access to police reports.
What Other Kinds of Reports are Available at the Chandler PD?
You can fill out a criminal record or criminal report request form from Chandler PD to request reports on property crimes, crime scene information, arrest reports, and more.
Where Can I Find Copies of Vital Records in Maricopa County?
You can visit the Maricopa Government Office at 301 West Jefferson StreetPhoenix, Arizona 85003 to purchase copies of vital records, including:
- Death certificates/death records
- Birth certificates
- Marriage licenses
Why Do I Need to Obtain My Traffic Police Report?
If you’ve recently been involved in an auto accident in Maricopa County and sustained minor injuries or critical injuries, you need to get a copy of your collision report as soon as possible. Obtaining a copy of your accident report can be invaluable when it comes time to file an insurance claim or lawsuit. These detailed reports contain information concerning the parties involved in the accident, a diagram of the accident, and the responding police officer’s opinion concerning who they believe was at fault. While it doesn’t guarantee that you’ll receive compensation based on the information in a police report, it can definitely help your case.
Can I Get a Copy of My Crash Report in Arizona Online?
Yes, you can. At Accident.Reports.com we offer an intuitive crash report information center that makes searching for accurate reports from the Chandler Police Department online, safe, fast, and easy. We take pride in our accident report support center, which is very user-friendly. Take advantage of our extensive traffic report information center and obtain a copy of your Arizona accident report as soon as it’s available.
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