A Simple Way to Get Your Traffic Crash Report Online
At AccidentReports.com, you can take advantage of our crash report support center to get your collision report as soon as it’s available. Getting a copy of your traffic report has never been easier. You can start your search now by filling out the form on your page and submitting your accident information to get assistance.
Frequently Asked Questions
How Do I Obtain a Copy of My Port Saint Lucie Crash Report?
You can get a copy of your Port St. Lucie police report at AccidentReports.com, or you can go through the Port St. Lucie Police Department or another local law enforcement agency. The Port St. Lucie Police Department offers two ways to get a copy of your traffic report.
You can obtain your Port Saint Lucie collision report by visiting the office in person and filling out a Records Request form. The department is located at:4700 W Midway Road Fort Pierce, FL34982. Contact the department directly by phone prior to picking up your report to ensure it’s available.
Phone: 772-462-3299
By Mail
You can make a request via mail. You must provide accident information and include a copy of your photo ID, and payment to the Port Saint Lucie Police Department to obtain a copy of your crash report. Send your request letter to:4700 W Midway Road Fort Pierce, FL34981
How Much Do Accident Reports Cost?
Port St. Lucie traffic reports are $0.15 per page.
What Information is in a Collision Report?
- The names and contact information for all parties involved
- The opinion of the reporting law enforcement officer regarding who they believe was at fault for the traffic collision
- Time, date, and location of the accident
- A description of personal injuries
- A description of vehicle damage/property damage
- License plate numbers/VINs
- Driver’s license numbers
- A diagram of the accident scene
- Weather and road conditions
- Insurance information
- Any citations issued
- Accident type, such as wrong-way collision, pedestrian collision, hit-and-run collision, bicycle collision, etc.
- Anything that may have contributed to the traffic crash, such as missing or obstructed traffic signs, debris on the road, road closures, etc.
Who Can Get an Unredacted Traffic Crash Report?
Eligible persons include:
- The parent or legal guardian of a minor involved in the motor vehicle accident
- All parties involved in the accident
- Vehicle owner
- Insurance agent
- Accident attorney
When Will My Public Records Request Be Available?
It can take ten to twelve business days but may also depend on the volume of requests. If the injury accident involved violent crimes, fatalities, or significant property damage, your report may be unavailable for several weeks or months.
Why Do I Need to Get a Copy of My Collision Police Report?
If you were injured in a motor vehicle accident, you may be eligible to file a personal injury claim or personal injury lawsuit. An accident report contains important information that can strengthen a case, such as the responding police officer’s opinion concerning which party was at fault, a diagram of the accident scene, a description of injuries sustained in the collision, a description of vehicle damage and/or personal property damage, and any citations issued. An experienced personal injury lawyer can use this information when negotiating with an insurance company, to fight for a fair settlement.
How Can I Get My Police Crash Report Online?
At AccidentReports.com, we can help you obtain your Florida accident report as soon as it’s available. We know how difficult life can be following a serious auto accident, and we want to help. Take advantage of our easy-to-use crash information center now to get started.
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