Take Advantage of Our Collision Report Information Center
At AccidentReports.com, we’ve made it easy for people to obtain copies of their accident incident reports. Instead of traveling to the Safford Police Department, now, you can search our crash report information center to search for a copy of your report. We know how difficult life after a serious auto accident can be, so we’ve made it our mission to help accident victims get a copy of their crash report as soon as possible. To get started, fill out the form on this page and submit your accident information.
Frequently Asked Questions
How Do I Get a Copy of My Graham County Collision Report from the Safford Police Department?
You can get a copy of your traffic report at AccidentReports.com, or you can go through the Safford Police Department.The Safford Police Department offers three ways to obtain a copy of your crash report.
By Phone
Contact the Safford Police Department at (928)432-4100 and request a copy of your Safford accident report. You will need to provide your address, name, and payment information.
For in-person direct requests, visit the Safford Police Department in Graham County and fill out the Record Request Form to obtain a copy of your collision report. You will need to include the date, time, and location of the accident. The Police Department is located at:525 S 10th AveSafford, AZ 85546Hours of operation are 7:00 am to 6:00 pm, Monday through Thursday.
Request a Copy Online
Visit the Safford Police Department and fill out the online Public Records Request Form. To learn more, visit the Police Department’s website
How Much Do Accident Incident Reports Cost in Graham County?
Safford and Coolidge police reports are $5.00 for up to 15 pages and $0.20 cents for each additional page.
What Other Police Records are Available Through the Safford Police Department?
The Safford PD is responsible for dispersing the following types of police records and reports:
- Police records involving criminal charges
- Local arrest rate
- Safford arrest reports
- Arrest inquiries
- Arrest warrants
- Criminal misconduct complaints
Where Can I Obtain Police Records and Accident Reports Outside of the Safford Police Department's Jurisdiction?
Contact the Yavapai County Sheriff’s Office, the Gila County Sheriff’s Office, or the Graham County Sheriff’s Office for information on an incident or accident that occurred outside of the Safford Police Department’s jurisdiction.
The Yavapai County Sheriff’s Office is located at:255 E Gurley St.Prescott, AZ 86301
The Gila County Sheriff’s Office is located at:108 W Main St, Payson, AZ 85541or
The Graham County Sheriff’s Office, which is located at:600 W Graham Canal RdSafford, AZ 85546
At a Sheriff’s Office or other major law enforcement agency you can request the following police records:
- Arrest rate information
- Collision reports
- Arrest reports involving drug possession, aggravated assault, sexual assaults, burglaries, and other types of alleged incidents
- Investigation document
- Logs for incidents
- Reports concerning level arrests
- Local reports concerning civilian complaints and discrimination complaints
- Jail incarceration information
In auto accident reports involving an investigation into an alleged incident, the earliest police records will be available can depend on the status of the investigation into allegations or the severity of the accident.
When Will My Crash Report Be Available?
On average, accident incident reports will be available within seven to ten business days. If the accident involved serious injuries, an open criminal investigation, or a fatality, your report may not be available for several weeks or months.
Why Do I Need to Get a Copy of My Accident Report?
A police department accident report can strengthen an insurance claim if you have been involved in an accident that was due to the reckless or negligent actions of the other driver. Safford police reports contain information that can give the insurance adjuster a clear picture of how the accident occurred and why. In the report, the police officer who responded to the scene of the accident will include a diagram of the accident, the damage done to each vehicle involved, a description of the injuries sustained by all parties involved, and their opinion regarding which driver they believe was negligent. A collision report can be used as key evidence when filed with an insurance claim or a lawsuit.
What’s the Quickest Way to Get a Copy of My Collision Report?
At AccidentReports.com, you can instantly begin your search for your accident report, online. Our crash report information center allows you to search for your report from law enforcement agencies all over the state of Arizona. We’ve made it simple for accident victims to obtain a copy of their crash report easily and quickly as soon as reports are available.
Fill Out the Form on this Page to Begin Your Online Accident Report Search