Sierra Vista Accident Reports

A Hassle-Free Way to Get Your Accident Report offers the easiest way you can obtain your crash report as soon as possible. To start your search, fill out the form on this page and submit your accident information to get assistance.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Do I Obtain a Copy of My Police Auto Accident Report from the Sierra Vista Police Department?

You can get a copy of your crash report from, or you can obtain your copy from the Sierra Vista Police Department. The Sierra Vista Police Department offers innovative police services and two ways to obtain a copy of your Sierra Vista accident report.

By Phone

You can contact the Sierra Vista Police Department at (520) 458-3311 and request a copy of your accident report by phone. You will be contacted via phone when your accident report is available for pickup.

Request a Copy In-Person

You can visit the Sierra Vista Police Department in person to request a copy of your collision report. The Police Department is located at:911 Coronado Dr, Sierra Vista, AZ 85635.

How Much Does an Accident Report Cost?

The cost of Sierra Vista and Goodyear police reports can vary, depending on the length of the report. The first ten pages of a report will cost $10.00, with a cost of $0.25 per additional page.

When Will My Accident Report Be Available?

The police officer who filled out your report will typically file it within twenty-four to forty-eight hours after the accident. If a criminal incident took place, such as driving while under the influence, or if there was a death involved, it may be several weeks or months before your report is available.

Where Would I Obtain My Accident Report for a Collision that Occurred on a Highway?

You can contact the Cochise County Highway Patrol at the Cochise County Sheriff’s Office and speak with highway patrol officials to determine if one of their officers processed your report. The Cochise County Sheriff’s Office is located at:205 N Judd Drive Mile Post 345, Highway 80Bisbee, AZ 85603Or call the Cochise County Sheriff’s Office at: (520)-432-9500If your collision report has been filed by the Cochise County Sheriff’s Office you will need to fill out a Records Request Form to obtain a copy.

Where Can I Obtain Arrest Records in Cochise County?

You can obtain police records from the Cochise County Jail or the Sierra Vista Police Department, where you can also find information regarding local crime rates, criminal history records, a police arrest, or updated information concerning an inmate in police custody. Records or reports may not be available for a police arrest if the suspect is still in police custody. The cost of public police records will depend on the type and length of the records or report. For more information, contact the Police Department directly.

Why Do I Need to Get a Copy of My Collision Report?

If you were involved in an auto accident, you must obtain a copy of your accident report. A crash report can be used in a claim for compensation or a personal injury lawsuit. Sierra Vista police reports include important details, such as the location of the collision, the names and contact information of all parties involved, any injuries sustained, and a description of the damage done to all vehicles involved. When a law enforcement officer arrives at the scene, they will fill out the crash report. Any party that is involved in the collision has a right to view the report. In a personal injury claim or lawsuit, a crash report can aid in determining liability and should be submitted to an insurance company or filed with court documents. After you have been involved in an auto accident, you must obtain a copy of your collision report as soon as possible to prove the other driver should be held liable for your medical expenses, property damage, pain and suffering, and other losses. Obtaining a copy of your accident report can be complicated, especially if you’ve been injured and you’re unable to drive to the Police Department to pick up a copy in person.

What’s the Fastest Way to Obtain a Copy of My Crash Report?

After an accident, you may be unable to travel to the police department, due to your injuries. You should never have to pay for the cost of accident-related expenses out of your own pocket. The driver who was responsible for the accident must be held accountable for their negligence. You can use your accident report as evidence that proves the other party should be held liable for your medical expenses and other losses. At, we know how devastating an auto accident can be and how it can impact every aspect of your life, which is why we created a crash report information center that allows accident victims to search for their collision reports online. Don’t put off filing your claim or taking legal action. Take advantage of our crash report support center to search for accident reports in Arizona and get your copy as soon as it’s available.

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