South Whittier Accident Reports

How Can Help

At, we’ve created an innovative accident report data center where you can search for a copy of your crash report online, and get your copy as soon as it’s available. To start your search now, fill out the form on this page and submit your accident information.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Do I Obtain a Copy of My Traffic Accident Report?

You can get a copy of your South Whittier police report at, or you can go through the Whittier Police Department, located in the city of Whittier, in Los Angeles County. At the Whittier Police Department, you’ll have three ways to request a copy of your accident report.


At the Whittier Police Department, visit the service counter to speak with one of the Whittier Police Services Assistants. At that time, you must show your valid photo ID and provide accident details, such as the date and location of the accident and the report number(if available).The department is located at: Whittier Police Department13200 Penn Street Whittier, CA90602.
Business Hours: Open 24 hours

By Mail

You must visit the department’s website and download their online Records Request Form. Fill out the form, then include a copy of your valid photo ID, along with the crash report fee, accident details, including the date and location of the accident, and a self-addressed, stamped envelope. Mail your request to the Records Bureau, located at:13200 Penn Street Whittier, CA90602

By Fax

You can contact the department to learn how to obtain a copy of your report via fax.

How Much Do Accident Reports Cost?

Whittier Police Department accident reports may cost up to $28 per copy, depending on the length of the report.

What Information is in a Collision Report?

In a crash report, you’ll find the following information:

  • A drawn crash diagram that shows the path of the vehicles, the collision point, and the location of each vehicle involved
  • Statements made by drivers and passengers
  • The time, date, and location of the accident
  • Road and weather conditions
  • Insurance information
  • Driver’s license numbers
  • Vehicle plate numbers
  • A description of all bodily injuries
  • A description of vehicle damage
  • Actions of police officers
  • Witness statements and contact information
  • The names and contact details for all parties involved

Who Can Get an Unredacted Traffic Report?

  • All involved parties
  • Vehicle owners
  • Insurance companies
  • Law enforcement agencies
  • Personal injury lawyers

Why Do I Need to Get a Copy of My Collision Police Report?

After an auto accident, if you sustained injuries and/or your vehicle was damaged, you must obtain a copy of your collision report to help prove the other driver was at fault. A collision report will include the reporting law enforcement officer’s accident investigation findings, detailing how and why the accident took place and which driver the officer believed was at fault. It will also include statements made by the other driver, any citations issued, witness statements, a description of your injuries and vehicle damage, and other pertinent information that can potentially strengthen your claim. A personal injury attorney will use this information to build the strongest case possible to help you obtain the compensation you deserve.

How Can I Get My Police Crash Report Online?

At, you can search our extensive collision report information center to obtain a copy of your CA accident report, as soon as it’s available. Getting a copy of your crash report online has never been easier. To begin your search, fill out the form on this page and submit your accident information to get assistance.
Fill Out the Form on this Page to Begin Your Online Accident Report Search