St. Petersburg Accident Reports

The Fastest Way to Obtain Your Traffic Accident Report in Pinellas County, Florida

At, our collision report information center allows you to search for your collision report and obtain a copy as soon as it’s available. Searches are fast and simple. Submit your accident information now to get started.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Do I Get a Copy of My Traffic Police Report In Pinellas County, Florida?

You can get a copy of your report at or you can obtain your traffic report from the St. Petersburg Police Department in Pinellas County.

In-Person Public Record Request

You can obtain a copy of your St. Petersburg police report directly from the St. Petersburg Police Department in person. The St Petersburg Police Department is located at: 1301 First Avenue North St. Petersburg, FL 33705. You must fill out the Public Records Request Form at the time of pick up and pay the appropriate fee. Contact the police department by phone before picking up your crash report to ensure it’s available: (727)893-7780.

Public Record Request By Mail

Send a written request to the St. Petersburg Police Department in Pinellas County and include the appropriate fee. Send the written request to: ATTN: Records Unit1301 First Avenue North St. Petersburg, FL33705

How Much Does an Accident Report Cost?

St. Petersburg and Tallahassee accident reports cost $10 per copy. Accepted forms of payment include debit card, personal check, credit card, or money order.

When Will My Crash Report Be Available?

An accident report will be available within ten business days. However, if it was a fatal accident or the collision involved significant property damage, personal injuries, or a crime, the report may require additional processing time and may be unavailable until the police officer has concluded the investigation.

Why Do I Need to Get a Copy of My Accident Police Report?

If a person was involved in an accident in Tampa Bay and sustained severe or minor injuries and/or vehicle damage, the accident victim may be eligible to file a personal injury claim, also referred to as an accident claim, with the other driver’s insurance company. When filing an insurance claim, accident victims must provide proof that the other driver should be held liable for the accident. An accident police report contains important information that can prove the other driver was responsible for the crash. An accident lawyer will conduct a liability investigation and gather evidence They can use the information found in the police agency report, including officer responses, such as the statements made by police officers regarding liability and the description of injuries and property damage, to strengthen a personal injury claim and help the injured party receive compensation for damages.

What Information is in a Crash Report?

During an accident scene investigation, a police officer will thoroughly document the details of an accident, including:

  • Type of event
  • The names of all parties involved
  • The date, time, and location of the crash
  • Name of the responding law enforcement agency and police officer’s name and badge number
  • A diagram of the accident scene
  • Conditions of the accident scene
  • Insurance policy information
  • A description of personal injuries and property damage
  • License plate numbers and VIN
  • The crash narrative. The crash narrative is a written statement made by the responding law enforcement officer after a police investigation of the accident. It includes their opinion of who they believe is responsible for the car crash.

Who Can Obtain a Copy of a Traffic Accident Report?

  • Any parties involved in the collision
  • A legal representative
  • The parent or guardian of a minor
  • Insurance agents

How Can I Get My Car Accident Police Report Faster?

At, we’ve made online accident report retrieval possible. We have created a crash report information center that allows you to search for your collision report and get your copy as soon as it’s available. If you don’t have time to wait for your Tampa Bay report to arrive in the mail, or you’re unable to pick up a copy of your report in person, take advantage of our easy-to-use crash report support center to obtain your Florida accident report as soon as possible.

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