A Hassle-Free Way to Get Your Tennessee Crash Report Online
At AccidentReports.com, you’ll find step by step help regarding information of crash reports from all over the state of Tennessee. If you’re not able to travel to pick up a copy of your report in person, or if you don’t have time to wait for your report to arrive in the mail, AccidentReports.com offers a fast and simple way to get your crash report as soon as it’s available.
Tennessee Accident Reports - FAQ
The SF-1203 Tennessee Uniform Crash Report
The SF-1203 Tennessee Uniform Crash Report is filled out and filed by responding law enforcement officers if an accident involves:
- Property damage that exceeds $400
- A personal injury
- A fatality
Reports must be filed with the Department of Safety within twenty days following a motor vehicle collision.
How Do I Get a Copy of My Tennessee Crash Report?
You can get your collision report now by using the free extensive online collision report support center at AccidentReports.com.You can also obtain a copy of your Tennessee police report in a few other ways.
In-Person Requests
You can pick up your report in person from the Tennessee Highway Patrol, located at:6348 Summer AveMemphis, TN38134You will need to fill out a Records Request Form and pay the appropriate fee.
By Mail
Send a written request to the Tennessee Highway Patrol, located at:ATTN: Records Unit6348 Summer AveMemphis, TN 38134A request via mail must include the appropriate fee.
What if the Tennessee Highway patrol Doesn’t Have My Report?
If another law enforcement agency investigated your car crash, you must obtain a copy of your personal accident report directly from that law enforcement agency. This means you must locate the police department that filed the report.
How Much Does a Traffic accident Report Cost?
Tennessee accident reports can cost $4.00 to $20.00 per copy. The cost of reports will depend on the length of the report. Forms of payment can include personal checks, business check, debit card, credit card, or money orders. An online payment option is not available at this time.
What Information is in a Traffic collision Report?
The information in a crash report will include details of the accident, such as:
- A description of vehicle damage and personal injuries
- A diagram of the accident scene
- Contact information for all parties involved
- The responding police officer’s opinion concerning who they believe was responsible for the collision
- Accident type (scooter accident, motorcycle accident, semi-truck or tractor trailer accident, pedestrian accident, rollover, single-
- vehicle crash, hit-and-run, head-on collision, etc.)
- Anything that may have contributed to the car crash (road debris, traffic congestion, speeding, drunk driving, inclement weather)
- Any citations issued or arrests made (speeding, reckless driving, DUI, DWI, etc.)
- Driver’s license numbers
- License plate numbers
- Vehicle registration
- Insurance policy information
- Vehicle identification number
Who Can Request an Unredacted Copy of My Tennessee Police Report?
- Anyone involved in the accident
- An accident attorney
- Insurance company/insurance carriers
- The legal guardian of a minor
Why Do I Need to Get My Auto Crash Report?
After an auto accident, it can be difficult to focus on which documents to request and file with an insurance claim for compensation or a personal injury lawsuit. Unfortunately, if you fail to obtain important documentation after a motor vehicle accident, you may not receive the compensation from the accident claim that you deserve for your injuries and other damages.
Filing an Insurance claim or Personal injury Lawsuit
Accurate documentation, such as a Tennessee accident report, is vital for defending your rights and strengthening your insurance claim or lawsuit.To prove your version of events, it’s helpful to have an objective record of the events that took place. A Tennessee incident report can provide that.
How Can I Get My Motor Vehicle Accident Report Online?
If you are unable to pick up your report at the police department due to catastrophic injuries and/or a totaled vehicle, and you don’t want to wait for your report to arrive in the mail, AccidentReports.com offers the most convenient solution. Take advantage of our extensive online crash report information center and get assistance for your accident report for free. Now, you can obtain a copy of your report, hassle-free, and the minute it’s available.
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